Myrtle Beach Elementary School
The Myrtle Beach Middle School to Elementary School Conversion was a CMR project that consisted of a complete renovation to the 134000 square foot building. Sitework included additions to the parent drop-off lane and the staff parking lot extended the fire lane along with a reconfigured bus drop-off loop and the addition of an elementary playground.
Major interior renovations included science and associated prep rooms being renovated for typical classroom functions changing the PE locker rooms to typical classroom functions and also transforming a mini-lecture hall to two classrooms and support spaces. The entire building received a new fire sprinkler and fire alarm system.
Interior finishes upgrades included carpet new rubber base painted walls new ACT ceilings and associated lights electrical and low voltage systems.
Location: Myrtle Beach, SC
Delivery: Integrated Project Delivery Method
Architect: Pike - McFarland - Hall Associates
District: Horry County Schools

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